Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dbq Ap Euro Peasents Essay - 1358 Words

Broderick Haney AP Euro Period: 1 14 September 2012 The Progressive Peasant Revolution Inhabiting the Holy Roman Empire in the 16th century, the upper class considered peasants a mere subhuman. Conversely, Martin Luther, a German professor of theology, influenced reformation to the German state. This reformation focused on the peasants, especially the peasant revolt of 1524. As the revolution continued, the Peasant Parliament formed to coordinate activates and strive for optimistic results of the revolt. Consequently, peasants offered moderate reforms that were supported by the towns, but condemned by the nobility and the leading Protestant reformer, Martin Luther. This would be known as the largest uprising in Europe before the†¦show more content†¦Lorenz Fries stresses this anger in his report to the Archbishop of Wurzburg, as he describes the wealth’s inability to share their profits and income with the poor (Doc 8). The peasants believe they are entitled to a share of wealth because all are considered to be brothe rs in the public eye of God. Considering Fries’s report is secret, it most likely states his candid opinions (Pov3). Although economic oppression is a crucial factor in pushing the revolt, Protestant influence is responsible for the revolt as well. Protestant ideals also contributed a major role in causing the peasants’ revolts. Leonhard von Eck, the Chancellor Bavaria, understood the key function of Protestant ideas when he reported to Duke Ludwig of Bavaria that â€Å"this rebellion has been undertaken to repress the princes and the nobility and has its ultimate source in Lutheran teaching for the peasants relate a majority of their demands to the Word of God, the Gospel, and brotherly love.†(Doc 1). Von Eck has deciphered that the peasants’ drive to reform is based from the Lutheran religion, which stresses the devotion God’s Law and divine grace. Although Von Eck is a superior government official who has a duty in upholding order and stability, his assessment is insightful (Pov 4). Martin Luther and other Protestant reformers had proclaimed the spiritual freedoms of Christians from the Catholic Church. Peasants’ leaders such as

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